Active ingredients: Niclosamide 700g/kg + Metaldehyde 50g/kg
Specifications: 35g pack
This molluscicide has exposure impact, toxicity and rapid solubility. Furthermore, it also contains snail luring additives. As a matter of fact, its effects are rather strong. Snails will quickly die after being exposed to this product.
 RiceChanneled applesnail (Pomacea canaliculata) 0.35kg/ha (35g/25 l  sprayer)
• In the late afternoon or when the temperature is below average, applesnails often float themselves to feed on the plants’ nutrients. The product should be applied on those occasions.
• It’s better to maximize the effects by spraying the applesnails directly.
• If the water level in the field exceeds 4cm, either bring a little water out of the field or increase the dose a bit.
• Retain the water for 1-2 days after spraying.
• Do not mix this with seeds before sowing.
• Do not use this in case of undersowing.
• Do not use this when there are prawns or fishes in the water.
PreHarvest Interval (PHI): None since this product is to be used at the early days of planting.